Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Rhodes 2

Sunday saw us return to the Southern beach of Prasonisi though with a group of only 4 this time. The wind was far stronger this day, and the beach even busier. A windsurfing championship was taking place, and the waters were full of windsurfers within an hour. I boosted some big jumps, and had some great crashes. After getting back to Rhodes town, three of us cabbed to a beach for an evening session. The wind was not cooperating, so we began walking back towards the marina. As we rounded the point beach, we noticed one kitesurfer who was struggling in the light wind. "What the heck?" Thatcher and I just decided to rig and try to ride the light wind anyhow. The guy who was out there quit, and as we started riding the wind picked up! I had a great session on my surf board, and Thatcher had a major break through session and was not kiteboarding upwind!! The photos that were with the last Blog entry were actually from this evenings ride. Amazing, the wind blows harder on this beach before sunset and increases for an hour after the sun fully goes down. Its a strange phenomenon, but in the next two weeks the yacht spent at the marina only a mile away I would take advantage of it more nights than not.
That week of non-guest work flew by. I spent most of it doing engineering projects, tinkering and fixing whatever needed tweaking. Monday was light wind, so Thatcher and I decided not to go. A silly move, as the point beach again had evening wind! Tuesday would not be lost, as I was still forcing myself to wake at 6:00 am as to keep in my rhythm. The wind was already blowing at that time in the morning, so I grabbed my gear and caught a cab to the beach. This would count as my first true morning kiting session. I made it back in time for work, and then after work went back to the beach with Thatch. A double session day! I never repeated that feat on any of the other days. I did continue to rise early and get some runs in. The first path I was taking was by the edge of town and along the beaches. It was nice, especially the part that was on a path next to the sea and away from the roads. I tired of the same routine, and so tried running inside the walled city. Immediately I was happy with the decision, and it would become my new favorite running spot. Normally the narrow streets are filled with tourists, but at 6:30 in the morning I had that ancient city to myself. I developed a great route that hugged the inside of the walls, exploring the many alleys and back streets. Next I coupled it with a run through the bottom of the dry moat. I have run in some scenic settings, but this Rodos Citadel run is in the top three.
Our chef had left the boat and returned home to Boston to spend time with his family before the next guest trip. I missed him and his cooking, and after a few meals cooked by another crew member we spent the remainder at restaurants or getting takeout. The weekend came around fast, and lucky for us it was declared another three day weekend. Matt rented a car, and we used it to go camping on the beach at Meltemi, one of the kite spots we had scoped out the previous weekend. Matt took a kiting lesson and I had a good day of riding. I picked up some beer and ice at the supermarket, then we set up camp just down the beach directly on the sand. I put up my travel hammock, Matty put up his tent. After a couple of beers, we meandered up the hill to Dionysis, the Greek restaurant. Two of my other crew members were there! They were finishing up their own meals, so Matty and I took their table. Another delicious dinner was in our belies and back at the campfire we got started on the Absinthe. Drunk and happy, we went swimming in the warm Aegean Sea and I fell asleep on the sand. If only every day could be so great.
The next day Matt and I woke up with some mean hangovers. Matt had to get back to the boat early, he was on watch that day. I got dropped off at the kiting beach and put my hammock up for some needed extra sleep. A few hours later that's where my crew found me. They made fun of me for having sand in both my ears from sleeping on the beach. Haggered, I rallied and made it up for a kiting session before a late lunch. It was strange kiteboarding in such a condition. I was not yet hungover, maybe just still a little drunk. It can only be compared to kitesufing in somebody else's body. Lunch was excellent, probably the best Greek food that I have ever had. This Sunday was a Greek holiday, and many families were out celebrating and having a late lunch. The restaurant was full of local people, always a good sign when searching for the best food away from home. A rest after lunch in my hammock, then out for another session as my crew mates packed it up and drove the 35 Km back to the yacht. I was to stay on my hammock on that very beach for the night. It was pretty noisy, all the people in the restaurant were staying up and being loud as it was a holiday. I would have had a better sleep by moving up the beach, but I couldn't be bothered to carry all my gear up there. Besides, it was convenient being close to the restaurant for take away and bottled water.
I lay in my hammock, looking up at the blanket of stars stretched across the Aegean and her many islands.

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