Friday, June 4, 2010

300 nm From Horta

Still out here in the North Atlantic. We have highlights of the days, surrounded by hours of resting, reading, computers, meals, and when weather permits some work gets done. I am on the 0400 to 0800 watch schedule which basically means that I get to watch everyday's sunrise and sunset. The past two days have been mostly cloudy, with some views of the sun here and there. Todays best sights were pods of dolphins at sunrise and sunset. I saw a whale blow in the distance today, which has added to an average of at least one such sighting a day. I was amazed the past three days to see sea birds out away from land this far(boobies). They are powerful yet graceful fliers amongst the waves. Gust technicians as they flow, twist, dive and soar between the fast moving swells. Their eyes constantly scanning the waters surface for small fish to eat. The dolphins have not been riding our bow wave. The fast speed we maintain has shown them in wake, surfing and jumping high out of the water behind us.
Yesterdays smoother conditions allowed us deck guys to do a chemical teak stripping treatment on the upper deck. The teak is looking primo, and it was great to get outside and do something physical. The exercise bike on the deck up there has been getting some use as well. I am on watch with Justin, the captain. We spend our watches going over some of the ships equipment, or learning Italian on CD. He also takes some time to answer emails; while his shipboard life at sea may simplify, his cyber life is never at any further reach as long as our satellite signal is good. The satellite is good for us all, emails, web surfing, weather, phone, XM radio; but it means that the detached feeling I used to have at sea has been diluted.
My dad turned 61 today, Happy Birthday Dad! Our loose itinerary is Horta tomorrow, 2 + days to Gibraltar, on to Palma Myorca?, then to Greece. I cannot detail where, or when we will be in Greece. Instead I have to be very general about the times and places that Seaquest sails. A neat thing today, our Latitude full matched our Longitude at 36*37'.610. It's a rare circumstance and our Engineer took a photo of the coordinates with his phone. I've been reading and drooling over new kiteboarding magazines and videos. Talking gear with my crewmates and hoping for wind in the Medd this summer to have fun on. Also, there may be some decent surf in the Azores this weekend. The big swells passed us from the West for two and a half days. They are hitting the islands now, and may be there diminished waiting for us on Sunday. I am on watch though :(
Great boat, great crew, great trip so far. Summer 2010 is going to top all others.

1 comment:

  1. Im looking forward to checking out your blog as the summer goes by...oh! and post some pics soon!!
