Wednesday, June 2, 2010

From West Palm Beach to the Mid Atlantic

A new forum for a new adventure. Instead of doing the usual mass emails, I've decided on Google's handy blog medium. Give me some feed back, little comments, tell me if you like the format. I thought maybe the mass emails were a little intrusive, and this is more of a seek and find system. I can also incorporate some photos directly into the text, giving the reader a better mental picture of the scenario. I don't have any photos yet... well lots have been taken, but none with my camera yet. So until I can get some copies, i will have to take a few tomorrow to add here.
So, I have not made any announcement yet, but I have resigned from M/Y Relentless. An opportunity came to me to work on another yacht, for a captain whom I know, and I decided to go for it. I am now working on a 50 meter composite yacht built in Washington, USA. The yacht has a secure program, meaning that I cannot share any information about the owners, plans, itineraries, guests, and any info that i do share will be general and vague. It won't take all of the fun out of my writing, I can still describe that which doesn't violate my agreement. I am taking a risk writing anything at all, but I am confident that I can keep my word of confidentiality. With that said, I can get into the more interesting parts.

June 2, 2010 In the middle of the Atlantic. Nearly half way inbetween Bermuda, and Horta, Azores right this moment. Moving at 18 knots, we are covering some ocean miles in a hurry. The yacht left the yard in West Palm Beach, FL on Saturday, May 29. Today is only June, 2nd and our 5th day at sea. Upon leaving Florida, we were making great time on the way to Bermuda. Cruising at 20 knots, we had made landfall in Bermuda less than 48 hours after leaving WPB, FL.

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